St. Theophan the Recluse: Folly Disguised as Knowledge

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Saturday, December 7 (November 24), 2024
2Cor. 11:1-6;  Lk. 9:1-6

And He sent them[the holy Apostles] to preach the kingdom of God” [Lk. 9:2].  This time He sent them only to Palestine, but soon they will go all over the world.  The sermon which they started then is going on until now: every day we hear and read the words handed down to us by the Apostles on behalf of the Lord through Gospels and Apostolic epistles.

Time makes no difference; today we hear the Apostles and the Lord Himself just as clearly as if they were right here, and their power is fully present today in the Church of God.  The Lord does not deprive anyone of His faithful of anything: what the first ones had, the last ones also have without any shortage, as it has always been accepted by our faith.

Then appeared Folly disguised as knowledge, wishing to tear past and present apart.  Folly is scared by the great rift it imagines between one and the other, scared to the point of dizziness, of haze before its eyes, and it cannot see the Lord and His apostles in the darkness which it has created.

Well, we can hardly help it.  Let it reap the fruits of its own sowing which is pure vexation of spirit.  Folly, indeed, can see no light and has been lost in darkness: this is a true and sincere admission on its part, ─ but whom to blame for that?   It has come to this point through its own efforts, and keeps pushing in the same direction. Thus far it has not explained to us what is the reason for not taking the New Testament writings for the true words of the Apostles and the Lord Himself; the only things we hear from it is a desperate shriek: “I cannot see!... I cannot see anything!...

─ Calm down, Folly, we believe you.  But why don’t you stop producing that smog?  Wait until the air around you clears, light will get through and you will see at least something…

─ No way.  That would mean loosing my identity!

─ Oh, such a loss!  Go ahead, loose it: what a relief for everyone!...

─ No, I cannot.  I have to stay until the end, so “that the most competent may be made manifest” [1Cor.11:19].  I was born in the first created mind, even before this material world came into being, and I will remain in the world till the last day, sweeping the paths of the truth, blowing dust in its face like a whirlwind.

─ But you’re making haze only for yourself; all around you is clear.

─ No, not so; I am certain to throw dust in the eyes of at least some.  And if not, let them still know who I am.  I will never shut up, and you could never stop my mouth with you truth.

─ Sure, that’s no secret.  We know you by your first name Stubbornness, as you reject any evidence which can expose your deception.  You are the “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” [Mt. 12:31]; so wait until the sentence which the Lord has prononced against you goes in effect.

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