St. Theophan the Recluse: Glorify Christ

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Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (December 26, 2024)
Nativity of our God and Savior Jesus Christ ─ CHRISTMAS
Gal. 1:11-19; Mt. 2:13-23

Glorify Christ!  It does not mean compiling new lengthy hymns in His honor; but if, while thinking, listening or reading about the Nativity of our Savior, from the depth of your soul you cry out inadvertently: “Christ is born; Glory be to God!” ─ that will be enough.  That gladsome song of your heart, though simple and quiet, will rise up into the heavens and reach the Lord.

Think a little clearer what the Lord has done for us, and you will see that giving glory Him is perfectly natural.  Look at the example of a prisoner somewhere in a dark cell, in shackles, who was promised by the king to be set free.  He is waiting day after day, month after month, year after year… no change, but he keeps his hope, his faith in king’s words.  Now he can notice certain hints that something is going to happen, he listens carefully, he hears voices outside his cell ─ and the door opens, the chains are removed…  Glory to Thee, O God! ─ calls out the prisoner.  My ordeal is over, I am about to see sunlight again!

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