St. Theophan the Recluse: The Worship of the Trinity

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Sunday, January 19(6), 2025
The Holy Epiphany ─ Baptism of the Lord
Tit. 2:11-14,3:4-7; Mt. 3:13-17

 The Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany or Theophany ─ which means in Greek manifestation of God ─ because the One true God, worshipped in Trinity, revealed Himself so tangibly at that time:  God the Father ─ in His voice from heavens, the Incarnate Son of God ─ in His Baptism, God the Holy Spirit ─ in His descent upon Jesus. 

The mysterious relation between the Persons in the Holy Trinity is also revealed here.  God the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and rests in the Son, not proceeding from Him.  It is also revealed that the fulfillment of the plan of our salvation is accomplished by the Incarnate Son of God in unity with the Father and the  Holy Spirit.  And it is also revealed that even the salvation of each one of us can be accomplished only through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Grace of the Holy Spirit and the good will of the Father.

All mysteries of the Christian faith shine here with a divine light, enlightening our hearts and minds, as we celebrate this great Festival with awe and reverence.  Come, let us ascend with our minds on high and contemplate these mysteries of our salvation, singing the hymn of today’s Feast: “When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest”, ─ the worship of the Trinity in which we seek and receive salvation.

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