St. Theophan the Recluse: Heavens Sealed Off

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Monday, July 29 (16), 2024
Rom. 16:17-24; Mt. 13:10-23

Why is it that so many are clueless about spiritual matters?  Because of the obesity of their hearts.  When a human heart is attached to earthly things, it becomes callous, like it is written: “Thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness” [Deut. 32:15].  Like a weight, it pulls down the soul with the mind itself, binding them to the earth.  Hanging out down below, the heart gets entangled in lowly thoughts, unable to soar aloft, like a bird overburdened by excessive food.  Heavenly realm is invisible down below; it becomes alien to the heart… a completely unknown land. 

Such a man, on the bottom line of his views and experiences, has nothing in common with the heavenly realm, no faculties to see it “if only in a dark mirror” [1Cor. 13:12].  Thus, he would not even think about it, neither would he listen to anyone else, nor open a book on that subject.  Would you wonder why people have plenty of secular magazines in their homes, but not a single religious one, not a single religious book, not even the Gospel?

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