St. Theophan the Recluse: Indispensable Fasting

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Wednesday, August 7 (July 25), 2024
1Cor. 7:12-24; Mt. 14:35-15:11

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man” [Mt. 15:11].  The Lord said this not because He was against fasting or thought that we don’t need to fast, ─ no, He Himself held fast, and taught His Apostles to do the same, and established fasting periods in His Holy Church.  He said this to make sure that when we hold fast we do not put limits on food alone, but take proper care about the condition of our soul, limiting its selfish urges and sinful desires.

This is the most important thing, ─ and fasting is the most powerful means to that end.   Sinful passions originate in the flesh; weakening our flesh by the fast is like undermining the fortress of the passions and making its ramparts fall down.  Winning the battle against sinful passions without fasting would be a miracle, like walking through fire without getting burned.  If you satisfy your flesh in abundance with food, sleep and rest, how can you keep your will and attention focused on the spiritual realm?   It would be as hard for you to raise your mind above the earth and aim for the invisible world as for an old fat bird to take off from the ground.

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