St. Theophan the Recluse: Crying Out Unto the Lord

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Monday, September 25 (12), 2023
Eph. 1:22-2:3; Mk. 10:46-52                                    

When the blind man of Jericho heard that the Lord was passing by, he “began to cry out… and he cried the more a great deal” [Mk. 10:47-48].  His voice reached the Lord; nothing around Him could stop it, and the Lord, having called the blind man, restored him his sight.

In fact, the Lord is not only passing by, but He is actually present at any place, at any time: He is the Ruler of the entire universe.  In our human perception, therefore, He ought to be very busy: the hosts of angels are also around Him, praising Him ceaselessly.  But if you strive to cry out like the blind man of Jericho, nothing will stop your voice from reaching the Lord: He will hear it and do as you ask. The problem is not in the Lord: He is nigh, ready to give you whatever you need.  The problem is in yourself. 

Strive to raise your voice so that the Lord hears you, and you will receive everything.  What makes Him hear your voice?  Your faith, your hope, your submission to His will, ─ but these means have their own measure.  Ask anyone skillful and experienced in praying to the Lord, and he will tell you something like that: “Yes, I did pray, and God granted me what I asked for; now I need something else, I am praying again and receive nothing, and I know why: I cannot achieve that measure of prayer which I had before”.  This measure cannot be determined with literal accuracy: only one thing can be said for sure that we ought to blame ourselves, not the Lord.

As soon as He deems you capable of receiving His gift, you will receive it.

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