Association of Christian Teachers Created in Russia

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A banding together of Christian educators to help transmit the Faith to the next generation.

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.  ; - )

During the "Christmas Lectures" being held in Moscow these past few weeks, one session entitled, "The Modern Orthodox School," was held at Christ the Savior Cathedral on 27 January. Directors, confessors, and representatives of the administration of Orthodox educational organizations gathered to discuss the idea.

Metropolitan Evgeny of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, who chaired the meeting, spoke of how his idea for an Association of Orthodox Teachers is now actively going through the steps needed to obtain status as a legal entity. Until then, the main common resource is the Telegram channel "Sector of Orthodox Educational Organizations."

Maxim Kostenko, Director of the Department of Public Policy and Management in General Education, told how the legislation in the field of education has changed, about the school course "Russia-My History," about the creation of new textbooks, and the meaning of co-operation between the schools and the Church.

The Metropolitan spoke warmly about the symphonia, or close co-operation between the educational establishment and the Church.

It is indeed wonderful to see that in the space of thirty short years Russia has gone from having official atheism teachers in schools to creating a union of Orthodox educators. Realize that these are not specifically religious schools that are being mentioned, but state schools as well. Can one imagine such a thing being done today in the "woke," secular West? Consider not only the decline in the quality of public education in the West in general over the past thirty years, but also all of the terrible developments that have taken place, from woke, clown-haired activist "teachers" to the introduction of police into schools, that has the potential for any playground scuffle to escalate into a felony criminal proceeding or worse.

Russia is again leading the way forward with its close co-operation between agents of the Church and the State for the spiritual, moral, and educational benefit of its people.

Read more about this story here. (In Russian)

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.  ; - )

More great content, memes, commenting and community not available on this site.

We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.