The Church remembers the Holy Martyr Roman, Deacon of Caesarea, and the martyr boy Varul

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The Holy Martyr Roman was the deacon of the temple of Caesarea of Palestine. During one of the persecutions of Christians, he moved to Antioch, where he strengthened Christians in the faith by his example and fervent preaching.
When the ruler of Antioch, Asclepiades, conceived the idea of destroying a Christian temple, Saint Roman called on the faithful to defend their shrine. He convinced them that if they kept the temple, they would rejoice here on earth in the militant Church, and if they died defending the temple, they would rejoice in the triumphant Church of Heaven. Seeing such determination of the people, the ruler did not dare to fulfill his intention.
Some time later, when the pagan festival began in the city and many people from all over the neighborhood came to Antioch, Saint Roman began to denounce idolatry and called on everyone to follow Christ. He was captured and tortured. During the torture, the martyr saw the holy Christian boy Varul in the crowd and, pointing to the ruler, said: "The young boy is more intelligent than you, who have reached old age, because he knows the True God. You worship idols." The ruler of Asclepiades ordered the boy to be brought to him. To all the questions of the ruler, Varul firmly and without fear confessed his faith in Christ, the One God. The enraged Asclepiades ordered the martyr Varul to be brutally beaten and then beheaded. Before his death, the holy boy asked his mother, who was present at the execution, to give him a drink, but his mother begged him to endure all the torments for the Lord Jesus Christ. She herself laid her son's head on the block, and after the execution buried him (+ 303).
Martyr Roman was sentenced to be burned, but a sudden downpour extinguished the fire. The saint began to glorify Christ and blaspheme the pagan gods. The ruler ordered his tongue to be cut out, but, even deprived of his tongue, Saint Roman continued to praise the Lord loudly. Then the torturers sentenced him to be hanged (+ 303).

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