Serbian Patriarch Porfiry celebrated Christmas with the poor and homeless

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His Holiness Patriarch Porfiry of Serbia traditionally celebrated Christmas in the society of the homeless and beggars. On January 7, he took part in a Christmas Meal to which homeless and needy users of the Church Folk Cuisine were invited at the premises of a Religious Charity Society in Belgrade.
At the dinner, the Patriarch noted that we are all human beings, all weak and infirm, regardless of whether someone in this passing world and short human life occupies some position, some place and thinks that it has a special meaning, fame, money and power. All this is, in fact, short-lived and does not mean anything. What really matters is whether we have realized that God loves us and that He is always with us. Do we understand that a person does not need much, but only one single "Lord have mercy" and a humble "Lord help, Lord enlighten my darkness"?
The Serbian Patriarch also noted that Christmas is a wonderful holiday when believers should reflect on the event they celebrate. These days, it is especially important that people, regardless of any difficulties and temptations, never leave God and do not forget about Christ.
The Patriarch also thanked the benefactors and organizers of this festive dinner who were present at the Christmas meal and all the help to those in need.

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