The Second Congress of Russophiles has begun its work in Moscow

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The second Congress of the International Russophile Movement began work on Tuesday. It brought together more than 350 representatives from 130 countries around the world.
The Russophile movement makes a significant contribution to the fight against attempts by the collective West to isolate Russia, helps spread objective information about the country abroad, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted in his greeting to the participants and guests of the second congress of the International Russophile Movement, the text of which is published on the Kremlin's website.
"The Russophile movement makes a significant contribution to countering attempts by the collective West to achieve international isolation of Russia, helps spread objective and reliable information about our country abroad, expose anti-Russian fabrications and propaganda myths," the Russian leader said.
The event was attended by the Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Savva of Zelenograd, who announced the greeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The Patriarch noted in his address: "The Orthodox Church has been forming the spiritual basis of the life of our society for centuries, bringing up the best moral qualities in the people: sacrifice and selflessness, sensitivity and mercy, love for God, neighbors and one's Fatherland. The Church has always advocated the development of a mutually respectful and friendly dialogue with representatives of various religions and cultures.
Today, when the boundaries between virtue and vice, truth and falsehood are blurring, the world is facing global challenges that threaten the dignity of the individual and the institution of the family. All this encourages us to stand up for traditional values, to defend together the right of people to live according to the moral law and to preserve their own identity."
The work of the Congress continued within the framework of three sections: "Repatriation of compatriots", "Traditional values" and "Information and hybrid warfare".

The objectives of the International Russophile Movement are to spread Russian culture and get acquainted with its achievements, help Russia's friends around the world, confront Russophobia in its various manifestations, strengthen "people's diplomacy" in defense of a multipolar, calm and harmonious world. The founding congress of the movement was held on March 14, 2023.

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