Construction of Moscow Temple Featuring Biblical Garden to Begin in March

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A church with a biblical garden is set to be constructed in Moscow, as announced by Vladimir Resin, a member of the Russian State Duma and an advisor to the Mayor of Moscow and the Patriarch on construction matters. The groundbreaking for the construction of the St. Macarius (Nevsky), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Temple in the Butyrsky District is planned to commence in March. The architectural project for the temple was crafted by Sergey Borisov, a candidate of architecture and professor at the Moscow Architectural Institute.

Residents of the district decided to build a temple for 500 parishioners during public hearings back in 2011. It is anticipated that the first service in the new temple will take place on Easter in April. Work on the project has been underway since 2017, drawing inspiration from ancient Russian wooden architecture. The building will feature a single dome and accommodate hundreds of worshippers simultaneously.

Upon completion of the construction, the temple premises will host a Biblical garden, featuring Lebanese cedar and ash trees or a burning bush—plants mentioned in the Bible.

The Bible references over a hundred species of cultivated and wild plants. These include plants with symbolic significance, those used for sustenance (grains, fruits), or as building materials (cedars), as well as plants that simply surrounded biblical figures, growing near their dwellings, in the forests, and fields of Ancient Palestine. The temple grounds will incorporate a system of small play areas. Interactive architectural elements are also planned, such as Jacob's well, an olive press, millstones, and pitchers for wine.

The temple is positioned as a modern 21st-century megacity facility, integrated into the district's infrastructure, benefiting both residents and the city. The parish advocates for healthy eating principles, thus an eco-shop with farm products will operate near the temple. Additionally, a Sunday school and an automobile travelers' club "To the Sources" will be established within the temple.

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