Personnel in the Church’s media
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For two decades of unrestrained existence of our Church press, the issue of the quality of journalistic personnel in the Orthodox media has remained invariably relevant. I remember how, when I was the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, in a fit of temper one day, I rebuked my employee responsible for media: “Can we still not find anyone to work with us who is both religious and good at writing?”

I heard the sad answer, not devoid of irony: “I’m afraid in this case it will not be possible to manage with just one person. You can have one who writes well, and another, in addition to him, who is religious. “

The explosive growth of church media in recent years has only exacerbated this problem. Yes, today we have a circle of believers, albeit extremely small, who are capable of talking engagingly, professionally, understandably, and meaningfully on Church issues. However, recruiting this venerable community from the students of the faculties, the departments, and the groups of church journalism at our disposal is proceeding very slowly and with great difficulty.

There is always something to think about and decide on for all interested church structures. Because it’s the words of religious people, broadcast through the media, which can and should be the most significant basis for society in its judgments about the Church. Otherwise, other words from other people will be heard and accepted on faith. You and I know very well what kind of people they will be and what words they will say. 

Report at the Diocesan Assembly of Moscow, December 22, 2010