About the project
GLOBAL ORTHODOX is a media platform that forms a
special social and information space that unites Orthodox believers from
different countries. GO is a secular, non-political public media project for a
wide audience.
Within the GO project, there are two divisions of the combined edition:
- Newsroom (Information agency, TG channel).
- Social editorial office (Social networks, blogosphere). In this mode, users of the project create the bulk of the content. The GO project claims to unite Orthodox Christians according to certain principles and themes, but this unification must be secular, “entry” into theological and “church” territory is categorically unacceptable.
GO project news priorities:
- News of world Orthodoxy, including an event agenda related to Local Churches;
- News of public life - significant projects, incidents, events of culture, science, art, sports related to the Orthodox system of coordinates;
- Public, volunteer and private initiatives consistent with the interests of the international Orthodox audience.
Principles of editorial policy.
- The GO project can work exclusively in the Orthodox system of theological, moral and social coordinates, any compromises in this regard are impossible and unacceptable.
- News stories should be targeted exclusively at the interests of the audience. Coverage of events should be neutral, independent and, as far as possible, objective.
- All GO content must be reviewed and assessed in accordance with applicable standards prior to publication. The decision about what information to provide to the audience should be based on objective methods of verification, above all - a neutral approach to evidence.
- Author's publications, including experts and columnists, may contain personal positions and points of view, but must comply with the principles of the editorial staff.
- Activities within the GO project must comply with
legal regulations, including from a copyright standpoint.