Choosing a Career and God’s Will

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Sergey Komarov

Recently, I ran into an old acquaintance from my days at music school. Artem was a brilliant pianist back then, astonishing us with his extraordinary musical talent. Imagine my surprise when I learned that this promising pianist had become an outstanding specialist in car racing! He’s even authored several books on the subject. When I asked if he still played the piano, he just waved it off.

This encounter got me thinking about the intersection of career choices and God’s will.

We don’t know ourselves as well as we think. Often, we are unaware of the gifts embedded within us. Sometimes, our inclinations and talents remain undiscovered for years. I once read a story by Archimandrite Raphael Karelin, a renowned writer who only began writing books after turning fifty. Had someone told him earlier that he would become an author, he’d have been utterly surprised.

God, in His goodness, bestows upon each person multiple talents. He offers us choices. At different stages of life, different talents may come to fruition, and this diversity is a beautiful thing.

However, what happens when someone chooses a path that is clearly not theirs? It’s one thing if a pianist becomes a racing specialist or vice versa. But what if someone becomes a poor doctor or a lackluster teacher? Such missteps can have dire consequences for others. Though God’s grace remains, such errors can still cause harm.

Sadly, there are countless instances of people pursuing careers they aren’t suited for. They end up in professions that neither align with their abilities nor spark their passion. Sometimes this happens because they approached the decision lightly, choosing something simply to “get by.” Other times, it’s due to a lack of guidance from parents or mentors. A person who could have been an excellent shoemaker ends up a mediocre musician. Someone who might have shone as a soldier becomes an insignificant actor.

A person who’s chosen the wrong path fails, in a sense, to fulfill God’s will for them. They leave their God-given talents unrealized. Observing such a person, you can’t help but think: “This isn’t your calling.”

Today’s world presents unique challenges in career selection. Young people struggle to decide what to pursue. One reason is the absence of shared ideals or role models. The Soviet era, despite its flaws, offered at least some guidance: being a pilot or a doctor was deemed honorable. Now, we’ve lost the notion of “honorable professions.” Careers are classified as either high-paying or low-paying. While modern individuals have greater freedom to choose, this freedom comes with the burden of finding their own path without external guidance.

Hearing God’s voice and understanding oneself at the age when career decisions are made is no easy task, especially in a world without clear ideals. Yet the journey is made by walking. To discover one’s calling, one must listen carefully to oneself, explore various options, and pray for God’s guidance. Without this, one risks living a life that feels incomplete, always haunted by a sense of dissatisfaction.

How crucial it is to ask: “What are my talents? What does God want from me?” The answer will come, but only to those who seek it sincerely.


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