In the Book of Nehemiah, there's a poignant passage, ostensibly joyful, but one that I always reread with a sense of melancholy.
Describing the story of the Jews returning from Babylonian captivity, Nehemiah paints a touching picture. In the autumn, during the rainy season, the Jews gathered in Jerusalem, a city still in ruins at that time. The high priest brought the Book of the Law, ascended a wooden platform, and opened the book. The entire assembly rose to their feet. The high priest blessed God, and the people responded with a unanimous "Amen" before falling to the ground. The priests and Levites then read from the Scriptures, providing interpretations.
The Jews stood silently in the autumn downpour, listening to the law, and they wept. The priests comforted them, saying, "This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep." For eight days, the people listened to the explanation of the Holy Scriptures from the priests and wept. In the evenings, they celebrated "with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them."
This marked the beginning of the revival of the religious identity of the Jewish people.
As I flip through the pages of the Book of Nehemiah, a deep yearning wells up within me. Oh, if only this could happen to us!
Imagine if, after seventy years of godlessness, the entire Russian nation gathered as one on the main squares of our cities, listened to the Scriptures with interpretations from the clergy, and wept! If people assembled not for revolutions but to hear the word of God! Oh, if only! Then we would live in a completely different way, and the questions of our spiritual rebirth, national idea, and historical path would resolve themselves.
But alas, it seems that this may never happen. Or will it? God knows.
Let's assume that it won't happen exactly like that. However, we have many Christians, and the Scriptures are open to all. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And "with God, all things are possible" remains unchanged. It's never too late to start studying the Book of Books and make reading the Bible a daily mandatory activity, even if just at home.
Then, indeed, we can talk about our spiritual renewal. Much will change. How it will change, we'll see. We will definitely see if only we start exploring the Scriptures, as Christ commands us.
Program "Personal Opinion" on Radio "Vera":