Young Russian Bishop Blasts Zelensky's Attack on Christianity in Historic UN Speech, Compares to USSR

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Zelensky is aiming for total, KGB-style state control of religious life, says Moscow

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Unlike Western churches, save the Vatican, the Russian Orthodox church has an extensive bureaucracy which mirrors many parts of the civil government. The recently appointed 'foreign minister' of the Russian church is 38 year-old Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, an unusual appointment for someone so young. (Metropolitan is a rank indicating a senior Bishop).

Anthony spent 4 years serving the Russian dioceses in Rome and Paris, and speaks fluent English, previously serving as personal secretary to the Patriarch, and during school years, as an intern in the department of external relations of Russian church, which he now heads. Anthony typifies a new generation of Western schooled and bilingual young church leaders, very different in their outlook than the Soviet educated generation they are replacing.

His UN speech to the UN security council, the most powerful body in the UN, which he delivered online, was an historic first, the first time a Russian bishop has addressed the UN.

Anthony delivering his speech from his office in Moscow.

In the speech, Anthony enumerated the recent attacks against the Ukrainian church by Zelensky's government, which have included arrests, beatings, torture, and assassinations of priests, harassment and  arbitrary searches, confiscation of churches, slander in the media,  and then argued that what was really happening in Ukraine was a deliberate government program to assert complete control over religious life in Ukraine, and compared the current repression to what occurred during the USSR, when, as today, an atheist government did everything it could to destroy and co-opt the church.

Christian political analysts in Russia have long been arguing that the ongoing conflict between Russia and the Globalist West is first and foremost a spiritual battle, between the last powerful defender of Christianity and it's opposite, the Satanic. President Putin even adopted this language in a recent speech, calling Western elites 'Satanic'. According to this view, it would make sense that the Russian church be a priority target of the West.

Indeed, this is exactly what we have seen playing out over the past years: clear efforts by Western intelligence agencies to promote a schism between Orthodox denominations and countries through their control over Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and other Orthodox figures, an effort to undermine Orthodoxy in the West from within by funding destructive liberal reform movements, a sustained slander campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church and her Patriarch, the creation of an alternative Orthodox church in the Ukraine, and outright KGB-style terror and repression of the rightful Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

One frequently hears the view from these Christian analysts, that the West is hitting specifically at the spiritual part of Russian society, trying to at least weaken and divide it, because, being motivated by the Satanic, they understand perfectly well that it is the church which is the principle defender of Russia, and in order to break Russia, they must at least weaken the church.

Recently, analysis of the military situation in Ukraine from both pro-Ukraine and pro-Russian sides, has suggested that Russia might be achieving the upper hand. It is possible, that realizing their position is tenuous, the authorities in Kiev are ramping up their repression of the church, in order to preclude any political opposition should they suffer serious setbacks.

Anthony's outspoken remarks come amidst a diplomatic offensive from Russia putting Christianity front and center, with harsh comments and Christian rhetoric coming from the Russian foreign office and UN Chief Vasily Nebenzia.

It appears that geopolitical realities are compelling Russia to adopt an ever-more Christian posture at the highest ranks of government.

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