What a remarkable gift human speech is! With our words, we can uplift others, encourage courage, impart knowledge, express love, and, of course, speak with God. The power of words is truly immeasurable. Sadly, I sometimes forget the potential that lies within kind words and fail to use them as often as I should. However, a recent experience reminded me of the immense power that praise and gratitude can hold.
One day, I met a young man named Sasha, and after some time, we began dating. Our relationship wasn’t always easy. Unfortunately, we often misunderstood each other and ended up hurt and frustrated. One day, we decided to take a walk in the park, and once again, we found ourselves in an argument. Walking side by side in icy silence, we both lost in our own thoughts, I initially felt angry, mentally reproaching Sasha. But as time passed, my irritation began to fade, and I began to reflect on my own behavior. I realized that I frequently criticized Sasha, but why hadn’t I praised him? Surely, there must be reasons to do so.
Just then, a girl in front of us dropped her scarf. Sasha quickly picked it up, caught up with her, and returned the lost item. It seemed like a small, insignificant moment, but for me, it was the perfect opportunity to act on my realization. I said, “How wonderful that you’re so attentive! I didn’t even notice that something had fallen from her bag.”
In that instant, Sasha smiled, and our argument was forgotten. During the rest of the walk, I found several more opportunities to offer words of praise. Sasha beamed with happiness, and I, honestly, was somewhat taken aback by myself. Had I really never said anything kind to him before? How could that be? Yet now, by intentionally looking for small things to praise, I was speaking entirely from the heart. By focusing on his strengths, I could see the positive impact my words had on him. It was such a simple, well-known, and effective approach!
How much easier and warmer our interactions with others become when we speak words of admiration and gratitude! And the same can be said in our relationship with God. When we speak to Him with the desire to thank Him and marvel at the beauty of His gifts, doesn’t such a prayer fill our hearts with light and grace? It’s so simple—just look at the azure blue sky and exclaim from the depths of your heart, even silently, “Glory to You, Lord, glory to You!” So simple... and so beautiful.
Praise is not only an expression of our gratitude toward others; it is a profound way to connect with God and bring warmth into our hearts. And in this simple act, we discover both peace and joy.
Original article: radiovera.ru/pohvala-tatjana-ljubomirskaja.html